Thursday, October 2, 2008

Random day again

-Why did McDonalds have to build a store right outside of our subdivision?  The kids think that is there other kitchen.

-It was 66 degrees this morning when I took the kids to school.  So nice!!!!

-I have more laundry to do than I thought we even had clothes.  I wish that it was acceptable to just spray paint the kids everyday instead of dress them in clothes.  Maybe Abercrombie will come out with some cool spray paint.

Someone laughed at my cell phone the other day cause it is so ancient.  I should be the one laughing cause mine was cheap and it still works!!!!

Ashlen said the word "Crap" yesterday after she heard me say it.  Guess I need to watch my language from now on.

Still love Salt and vinegar chips and it's getting to be a problem, the problem is they sell out of my favorite kind at the grocery store all the time.

I miss my family, wish we all lived closer. 

Can't wait to see Olivia and Gracie in less than two weeks!!!

I joined Facebook the other day and have been able to get in touch with a few people I never thought I would talk to again.  It's been fun.

Wish I was 25 again, loved that age!!!!  But don't mind being 29 now!!!!


angela said...

Spray paint for clothes. That's funny. You're probably the one buying out the salt and vinegar chips. That sounds so good right now.

Marci said...

I love your random posts. So random. And I feel your pain with the laundry thing. It is non stop!!

Look me up on facebook! I don't totally get it yet, but I am on there....