Thursday, October 30, 2008


Angela tagged me so here it goes...  5 Things

5 snacks I enjoy 

-salt and vinegar chips
-blackberry pie
-chocolate covered pretzels
-chips and salsa

5 things on my to do list

-take a shower (done)
-make dinner (fast food)
-do laundry (never done)
-kiss my husband (always room for more of that)
-read my book

5 places i've lived

Salem, Or.
Rexburg, Id.
Detroit Michigan
Flower Mound, TX.
Spring, Tx.

5 pet peeves

-someone chewing loud right by me
-people who don't brush their teeth
-people who don't wash their hands after the restroom, Yuck!!!
-teenagers who smoke and swear
-rude drivers

5 things that bring me joy

-my kids when they are happy and get along
-when my house is clean
-when I am in bed after the kids are asleep and I am reading a good book
-going to church and feeling the spirit
-being with my cute husband and kids

I tag...everyone

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