Friday, October 17, 2008

Baby Gracie and Olivia

I just got back last night from Utah to see Baby Gracie for the first time.  Her daddy blessed her on sunday and I got to be there for that as well.  What a beautiful blessing it was, and what a beautiful baby.  I fell immediately in love with her and had a hard time putting her down while I was there.  She is such a good baby, so sweet and happy and full of smiles.  She is very ticklish as well and would laugh when I tickled her ribs and feet.  Olivia is a big girl now, 3 yrs. old.  She slept with me everynight while I was there, I loved it.  She loves treats and walks to the park and going in the car somewhere fun.  She and Ashlen had a good time, when they weren't fighting over a special toy or the stroller.  Hopefully they will stay close cousins.  Ashlen and Olivia reminded me so much of my sisters Angela and Abby when they were little. Ashlen the crazy one, and Olivia the more quiet reserved one.  It was so fun to be able to spend some time with my sister Angela as well.  She is my best friend and I love being with her and talking to her.  We stayed up way too late each night and ate way too many treats.  She is also a great cook and would make great meals every night.  She is such a good mom, I am very proud of her.

Today in mine and Brents 16th wedding anniversary!  I can't believe it has been that long.  I still get goose bumps when Iook at him and am deeply in love with him  more everyday.  He is such a good man and tries hard to always do what's right.  I admire how hard he works to provide for our family so I can stay home and be with the kids.  Hopefully we can enjoy many happy years to come together.  Glad forever is FOREVER!!!!