Friday, March 13, 2009

"The Lift"

Ok, so this is my blog, really my personal journal so i'm keeping it real.  I went in to the hospital yesterday to have a "procedure" done.  Before any of you roll your eyes or start a gossip chain let me give you the facts.  Things start to hang south due to gravity when you get a bit older.  I am normally not a vain person, anyone who sees me in the morning can assure you of that.  I don't even bother to get out of my PJ's or brush my hair when I take the kids to school and I have also been seen running into the grocery store or pumping gas like that.  I got to thinking about this particular procedure about 5 years ago but have put it off due to the fact that I hate needles, hospitals, blood, and anything to do with pain in general.  Why would someone volunteeringly do anything to themselves that would cause pain all for the sake of vanity?!  Just look at Hollywood and you will see the results!!!  They all look amazing and I wanted to be part of them, part of the "real world".  I decided to go for it, I sought out the perfect doctor for the job, talked to him about all the risks and benefits and decided why not, I'm not getting any younger!!!  The procedure took about 4 hours, start to finish.  That included the entire time I was gone from home.  (they can do things so quick now). I am not going to lie to you, i am in a bit of pain but is it worth the results, you bet!!!!  I can tell you right now, I will be looked at in a whole new light.  My husband will be thrilled, my children proud, my peers jealous.  The "lift" was just what I needed to get my confidence going again.  

The "lift" my friends was not a face lift or a boob lift or a tummy lift, it was what all of us woman with multiple children need, a BLADDER lift!!!!!!  I now have the bladder of an 18 year old and I am sexy.  No longer will I pee my pants when I sneeze!!!!!


Melanie Bingham said...

wahoo for you!!!!!

angela said...

You are hell-arious!

Unknown said...

Oh darn. . .I thought it was a boob lift and if you did it, how could Brad ever say no!