Friday, March 20, 2009

Friday face

Todays Friday face is Austen Brent Christiansen.
Austen was born July 26, 1996 to myself and Brent.  He was a big, fat, bald baby.  His face was squished and red and I was worried he would stay that way.  As you can see, he did not.  He is a cutie, a bit on the small side, and not bald at all!!!  

Austen is a sports man.  There is not a sport that this kid cannot play, at least we have not found one, he loves it all.  
He recently placed 3rd in a golf tournament in Austin.  He played well, look at his great form!!

Austen is my kid who likes to snuggle, sometimes I think it may be time for him to grow up, but I can't give up the snuggling.  

Austen is a very sweet brother to his little sister Ashlen, he adores her and she him.  He loves little kids, especially babies and wants to hold them and tells me that they are cute.
Austen is a good student, but lets just say if sports was his school he'd be a genius.  He is very social, but shy as well.  He is a good friend and has many, his best friend being Reed Crouch and Alison Smith.

Austen received the Aaronic priesthood on his bday when he turned 12 and tries very hard to live up to that responsibility.  We talk a lot about how kids act at school and what they say and how he can be a good influence on his friends and also not participate in the wrong stuff. He told me the other day that he had a friend who would always use the word God in a bad way. He told the friend that made him uncomfortable and why and he said that the friend doesn't do it around him anymore.  Another time his friends were doing something and they asked Austen if he would and he told them he can't cause his mom said not to.  They then asked, "Do you always do what your mom says?" and he told them yes.  I appreciate that about Austen, he really tries to do what's right.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the one and only, not to be mistaken for anyone else...Austen Brent Christiansen

1 comment:

angela said...

I love my Austen! He did have a large bald head as a baby. Good thing he grew in to it.