Tuesday, March 24, 2009

baseball and FHE

Ok... so I love all my kids the same, but Peyten is my most unusual kid, in a good way.  He is the one who says funny things and does funny stuff without even knowing he does.  It was his weekend to play baseball, he did a great job, playing pitcher and catcher.  His coach also selected him and one other player to be the c0-captains of the team, he is a great kid.

These next three pictures show him sliding into home, he was safe of course!!!

Last night we were having family home evening and we were talking about our week and what was going on.  Brent said that his Aunt Carol and her husband were coming to visit for a few days and he went on to tell the kids about going to visit them when he was a kid.  He was explaining something and said, remember when we were at Grandma Christiansens funeral? (which no one remembered cause Brent was the only one who went, it was his grandma who had died about 4 years ago.)  My kids know Brent's mom as Grandma Christiansen, not his Grandma, in fact they have never met Brents Grandma and don't really know her or of her.  (sad, I know, Brent needs to talk about his grandparents more).  Anyway, Peyten all of a sudden burst into tears thinking that his Grandma has died and we hadn't told him.  We looked at one another wondering what in the world he was crying about until he finally could tell us.  We started to laugh, but also had to give him hugs cause he was so sweet about it.

Peyten lost a tooth the other day and came and told me about it.  He said he knew that the tooth fairy was me, but he still wanted to believe so he told me he was going to put the tooth under his pillow.  The tooth fairy forgot that night, Peyten came in to tell me he would give me another chance, if I failed then he would take 5 bucks in cash!!!!!


Unknown said...

Ryan is my Peyten! Soooo funny and I should start writing it all down like you did; I told him I was the tooth fairy and he said "no you're not, Mom - you'd never make it to all those houses in one night"!

angela said...

I wish there was someone here to laugh with me!