Wednesday, March 18, 2009

After the "Lift"

The doctor told me that I needed to rest after my surgery and not do anything for about a week and then no exercise or lifting for 4 weeks.  I thought to myself, he doesn't know my life and I will just not tell him, I will just nod my head in agreement.  I told Brent what he said when Brent picked me up to go home and he just gave me that look like, you have one day to rest, now get better!!!  

I did rest on thursday and half day on friday, then was right back into the craziness of our kids sports lives.  Lauren had a "big" volleyball tournament at the GRB convention center on sat. and sun. and they placed first in their bracket.  It was hard to drive downtown and sit all day on those hard chairs but I did it with the help of some pain meds.  After church on sunday Austen and I had to drive 3 hrs. to Austin for a 2 day golf tournament.  He got to miss two days of school to play in it, it was fun but again I was in a bit of pain still.   It was really special to spend the time alone with Austen that doesn't happen very often and we had a great time.  The highlight of the trip was going to the UT bookstore on campus.  Lots of Orange.  I missed the other kids lots while we were gone, I really missed hugging and talking with Ashlen, she is very affectionate and I could tell she needed her mommy.  Austen tied for 3rd place in his tournament, and scored very well his first day.  He shot an 84, a kid he was playing with shot a 76 the second day and won the thing.  The weather was perfect and the course was beautiful.  On the drive home we saw lots of wildflowers.  Note to self...take pics. of the wildflowers this year with the kids.

1 comment:

Christi said...

Hee hee- you crack me up!! I hear ya- I peed my pants every time I coughed or laughed with Jaxon- it was awesome!! We miss you guys! Can we come visit this summer? Are you guys taking off?