Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas picture out takes 2008

Gotta love the ones that don't make the cut.


Melanie Bingham said...

None of mine made the cut! Oh you make me laugh... Seriously RUN from that Bishop! I am the Primary Pres over 182 kids!!!
Times like now at the end of the year it makes me a little stressed, and I feel lots better about that little stress when I hear of other Presidents breaking out it hives. All in all though. I love it. Really I do, there is no where else I'd rather be. I feel the spirit every Sunday. I stay awake becasue 3 hours go by like lightening and within those 3 hours I get my cardio in for the day.... Let's just say the Sunday nap is a must at my house.

angela said...

Cute, cute!