Saturday, August 2, 2008

Summer 2008 report so far...

OK, it has been a crazy summer so far so i think I will list the highlights in as little words as possible to keep from boring those who wish to read and my future posterity who will someday read this.

1. The boys both played in big out of state baseball tournaments. Peyten is Florida and Austen in Cooperstown NY, where the baseball hall of fame is. They had a blast.

2. Regular golf tournaments for the summer are over but both boys got invited to the city championship, which is the 11 and 12th of august.

3. Lauren and i went to girls camp together, very hot but fun.

4. Lauren got to go to a volleyball camp at A&M for 4 nights and days. She loved it.

5. Austen turned 12 and gets the Priesthood tomorrow during church.

6. Went to Utah for a fun visit and a family reunion on the Christiansen side.

7. Ashlen is learning to talk more, the kids love teaching her new words. They taught her how to say, "Ow Charlie, you bit me". (If you don't get this then go to Utube and type in charlie bit me and you'll see what is so funny)

8. Lauren and I are going to Oregon for 10 days in August for my 20 year class reunion. We are going to go up to Seattle for a few days and I am going to take her to the beach and all the cool places I went as a kids growing up.

9. Brent and i are going to the Broadmore hotel in colorado for a few days this next week. We are looking forward to some alone time and need it after a busy summer.

10. I do not want school to start, hate school, love my kids home with me.

11. Boys both started football practice this morning, it will be four days a week for the next five weeks until the first game. A little much, but this is Texas ya'll!!!!

1 comment:

angela said...

Way to go Austen (on the decon thing)! Have fun in CO.