Saturday, August 2, 2008

Six random things about me

This is from Missy Stowells blog, thought her answers were great so thought I would list some of mine. Would like to see my sister and anyone else do this on their blog, it's fun to read. Just list six random things about yourself, here goes mine....

1. I am scared to death of the dentist, I feel like I can't breathe.

2. I love scary movies, use to hate them, but now love them thanks to my old neighbor Kathy Beck. We would watch scary movies at her house after the kids went to bed. Once her husband scared us by banging on the window outside where we were watching. My heart was racing so fast but i loved it!!!!

3. I love roller coasters, the scarier the better. Finally lauren will go on them with me, my boys are all wimps including Brent.

4. I love anything with blackberries. My favorite food ever is blackberry pie with real whip cream.

5. I am a naturally lazy person and it has always bugged me but i can't change. I try, but I can't help it. I am more motivated to do things at night rather than in the morning.

6. I hate to shop, maybe the only girl ever in the world who does. The mall makes me crazy, it's like going to Chuck e cheeses and I really hate that place. If my kids would ever get invited to birthday parties to places like that I wouldn't tell them about it. We lost a few friends that way but I figure if they are dumb enough to have a bday party there than it's best we went our separate ways.


angela said...

Great randomness. I'll have to give it a try. You're naturally lazy? That's a funny thing to admit.

missy said...

I hate shopping, too!! Hooray! I never thought I'd find another like me. :) That's funny that you are afraid of the dentist. Does it matter if the dentist is your brother? We just got back from Utah/Idaho. I'm trying to catch up. Love reading your blog.