Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Boradmoor in Colorado Springs

Don't want to make too many of you jealous but Brent and I are spending a few relaxing days at the Broadmoor resort. It is a work related trip for Brent, a meeting in the morning, golf and a fabulous dinner afterwards. I spent the day at the pool reading a book and then walking around the beautiful grounds. Not one kid came up to me to tattle tale on their sibbling or cry cause something wasn't fair. I loved every minute of the day. Sad that I don't even miss my kids, i'm a weird mom, or a mom who has had enough. I guess they don't really miss me either, they about pushed me out the door cause karen, our Nanny this summer, is their favorite person. I love her too and don't want her to leave me alone with the kids!!!! Anyway, love it here and wish all you who would be willing to leave you kids behind could join us. ( hopefully you know that i truely love and adore my kids, just that they can get on my nerves at times and breaks are good and healthy).


angela said...

I was really enjoying myself too without Olivia for 24 hours. I was thinking about our cruise and how relaxing that was, even though I didn't have kids then. Glad you are enjoying yourself.

I know you'd take Olivia, just don't think I can be away from her for a month.

Lisa R said...

UMMM...I can't believe you get in touch with me and I find your at the Broadmoor a stones throw from my house!!!! Next time we'll have to get together!!!!!