Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lauren and volleyball

Lauren getting ready to hit the ball.  She plays outside hitter so when she sees the set she runs outside to get the momentum to smack the ball.
The two Laurens blocking the ball.  My Lauren is on the right.
Lauren, Caitlin, and Lauren H.  Ready for serve receive.
Another hit from Lauren, ( I stink at taking action shots).
A rare smile from Lauren during the game.  She usually has on her game face!!!

I love watching Lauren play volleyball.  It reminds me of when I use to play except she is way better than I ever was.  Her club team has really struggled this year, her coach is not a very nice person and so they don't get a lot of positive coaching on the court.  Hopefully we will have a new coach next year.  Even though it has been a rough year, Lauren has really improved and she is excited to try out for the high school team in the fall.  

1 comment:

angela said...

She's awesome...in every way. I was going to comment on such a serious face she has, and then read what you said about the picture with the rare smile.