Sunday, September 7, 2008

What's up today

I really need to recap all that has happened this past summer but too much has happened so I am just going to go forward with the now.  Bottom line, it was a great summer, but back to reality.

The boys just played their first football games for the season.  Both of their teams won, no injuries, I survived yet another game of watching in half fear half proud and boiling hot.  I did make Brent dump their pads and helmets in the pool and scrub them out due to the fact that the smell was horrid.  It was bringing back memories of walking into my brothers room growing up.  

Lauren again made the top volleyball team for her school.  Her first game is on thurs.  Can't wait to see her crush the ball.  She is indeed a beautiful girl, inside and out. How I got so lucky to get her as a kid I have no idea, cause I really don't deserve her.  She and I made the hour and a half trip up to A&M last night to watch the volleyball team play BYU.  It was so fun to watch those girls play.  I wore a BYU shirt and Lauren wore and A&M shirt.  We cheered for both teams but in the end A&M won.  

Ashlen started her little preschool class this past week and did well. Not one tear was shed by her or me.  I saw other moms crying as they left their little ones behind wondering what the heck was wrong with them.  They are only gone for a few hours twice a week, live it up!!!!  She needs the time to play just as much as I need to time to myself.  She is adorable as you all can witness in her photos.  She managed to do a half summersault down the aisle in church today during the meeting.  I caught her thats way she didn't make it all the way.  Life is all about her, as it should be.

Brent and I leave for France on friday.  Neither one of us are excited about leaving cause we are having to miss a volleyball game and two of each boys football games.  You may think we are crazy but we live for these things.  We are cruising the French and Italy riveria for a week, along with Brent and his two partners and their wives.  Every year we take a fun big trip with them, we will love it once we are there, it's just having to leave that is hard.  

Brent is turning 40 while we are gone on our trip.  Can't believe that could be happening.  I met him when he was just 21 and boy what a cutie he was.  It took me only 3 years to figure out I was in love with him, but there was no going back after that.  He is the love of my life and an amazing husband and father.  Happy Birthday Brent.


angela said...

You mention what's wrong with the mom's leaving their preschool kids. What's wrong with you? You are sad to be missing games while in France and on a cruise. You are one messed up lady.

missy said...

Hey, we were thinking of you today while online watching the path of the storm. It looks like it's heading for you (if not there already). Are you guys okay?