Wednesday, September 16, 2009


So every time I start feeling sorry for myself I read NIE NIE dialogues and I feel much better.  If you haven't ever read her blog then do it today.  I have a link to her blog on this very page!!!!  I decided to list the things that I should not feel sorry for myself about because I at least get to do them cause I am alive and healthy and can.  Here goes...

love to get up early and get a kid off to seminary, then middle school then grade school, then preschool.  

riding in the car an average of 5 hrs a day.

throwing poopy underwear in the garbage when Ashlen doesn't make it to the potty.  Let's face it, that kid will be lucky if she gets it right by the time she's 10.  She just doesn't give a crud.

love it when people call me when I am trying to take a nap, and then ask if I was sleeping.

can't tell you how much I love those dirty clothes I get to wash.

love cleaning out the turtle favorite thing ever!!!

finding dirty dishes and garbage in the TV room, never mind that you aren't suppose to eat in there.  I always smile a happy smile as I think of my family enjoying their food in the forbidden room.  Sweet family...

love finding crumbs in my bed and Ashlen's dollies all lined up on my pillow to take a nap.

when Ashlen yells, "No".  I just chuckle to myself, sweet darlin'.

Peyten forgetting to brush his hair, and put on deodorant and we have already left for school.  It is almost an everyday conversation, start the morning off great I always say.

Brent forgetting to tell me something that he swears he told me.  I don't know about you but that one happens far too often.

fixing dinner and no one wanting to eat it is the best....more for the fridge to enjoy!!!!

sneezing and still peeing my pants after the pain of surgery and paying the doctor for the procedure.  I wish I could have him over for dinner and talk all about what I would love to do with all that money I wasted!!!!

Jokes aside, I love my life, just need to vent sometimes and have a good cry...except I can't cry, so I go for a walk instead and then drink a ice cold Coke!!!!

1 comment:

Melanie Bingham said...

Put some chocolate or french fries with the coke and it works even better!!!! Have a great day!