Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Kidney Stones

I have had a rough go at it the last few days.  I got a kidney stone last sat. night and after 3 hrs. of pain I drove myself to the ER.  I thought maybe it was my appendix but didn't want Brent to have to take me if it turned out to be gas, so I just told him i'd call if it was something bad.  After about 30 min. of bad pain they hooked me up to an IV and gave me pain medicine, much relief!!!!!  The CT scan showed a stone on it's way to my bladder and also that both of my kidneys have more stones in them.  What does that mean?  I can't endure that mess again!!!!  The stone did eventually pass but my body is so sore from tensing my muscles for so long.  Guess I better go to the doc. to see what can be done about my stones that are just hanging out in the kidneys waiting to surprise me again.  

On a side note, I got home about 6:30 sunday morning and crawled into bed having had no sleep and worse than labor kind of pains and Brent, my darling husband, asked me if I was going to get up for church!!!  

I didn't go to church!!!!


missy said...

sluffer! Just kidding. Glad you're feeling better. Doesn't it just make you want to have another baby? Ha ha!

Stacey said...

Hope you feel better!

Marci said...

Ouch! That sounds horrible! Sorry to hear that you were so sick. But what a Super Woman you were to endure it alone - even driving yourself to the hospital!